Usage of Naproxen for Headaches Prevention

While many people know NSAIDs as medications that come in handy in pain relief, many might not know that one of this group of drugs, Naproxen for headaches has been in use for some time now and specifically for migraines and other headaches. These popular drugs are always being used by those suffering from migraines, mostly with moderate or mild ones.

Naproxen for headaches

Also, Naproxen has over time been recommended to women who might be suffering from menstrual related migraines. Those who get migraine headaches while at the height of their own menstrual cycle can use Naproxen on a monthly basis by starting a couple of months prior to the onset of menstruation to the end just after a number of days when the period has started. The reason why Naproxen comes in handy as a result of being effective in dealing with migraines is because the results are always positive once it has been used. It is also highly used as a very abortive type of treatment for headaches, meaning that the drug helps in bringing the much needed relied on current headaches and migraines for a number of symptoms.

Naproxen for headaches just like other headache prophylactic treatments could take around three or so months prior to reducing the huge number of attacks. For those using the treatment, the period might run up to around six months where the dosage of the medicine is then reduced in a gradual fashion. Since Naproxen acts a bit fast, it has been used occasionally to the treatment of migraine aura that normally does not last a longer period of time.

In a number of studies, Naproxen for headaches has been found to be effective, lessening the pain in the head while shortening the period of the unwanted discomfort. What Naproxen does is attack the symptoms of the migraine, lightheadedness, nausea and light sensitivity on a number of patients. Research has also depicted that as much as a number of patients ends up getting some relief from vomiting and nausea, a good number using different types of NSAIDs end up with some really worse symptoms as a result of the side effects they occasion into the stomach, such as stomach inflammation, indigestion, ulcers and stomach bleeding.

Those suffering from migraines sometimes require some options of getting the medication in a number of formulations since there are such vomiting and nausea symptoms that ends up making it really difficult to digest and swallow medications. There are other extra side effects that follow Naproxen, whether it is being used for headaches or to alleviate any kind of pain. Some of the side effects that come with this drug include itching, gas, tinnitus or ringing within the ears, hearing issues, cold symptoms, tingling or burning in the legs or arms, diarrhea or constipation, dizziness, rash, problems with sleeping, drowsiness, lightheadedness, headache, excessive thirst and mouth sores.

The first thing you need to do once you begin to experience such side effects is seeking some instant medical attention and refraining from the use of Naproxen until that time you have been able to consult a doctor.